P.S. Suvin


Assistant Professor (Grade-I)

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Monday, December 16, 2019

Professional Experience: 

Research Engineer - Dept of Power Mechanical Engineering- National Formosa university- Taiwan
(May 2019 - Dec 2019)

Contact Details




Academic Background

Ph.D. in Tribology and Manufacturing – IISc Bangalore, Karnataka, India
M.Tech. in Manufacturing Technology – NIT Calicut, Kerala, India
B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering – Govt.College of Engineering, Adoor, Cochin University, Kerala, India

Areas of Interest

Sustainable Manufacturing
Traditional and Nontraditional Machining
Tribology -Surface Interaction and modification studies
Green Lubricants- Synthesis and testing of Eco-friendly Cutting Fluids/ Ionic liquids
Surface Engineering-Additive Manufacturing
AI-ML in Manufacturing

Significant Projects

1. Funding agency: SERB, New Delhi, under Core Research Grant
Title: Enhance lubricant performance in an electrical environment to overcome electrical bearing failures in electric vehicles.
PI: P S Suvin, Co-PI: Dr. Nikhil K S, Dr Arun Dominic
Funding amount: 15.6 Lakh
Duration: 3 years (2023-2026)
Status: On-going

Significant Publications

18. AK Praharaj, S Bontha, VK Balla, SK Chakrapani, PS Suvin "Investigation on high-temperature tribological performance of laser directed energy deposited Inconel 625 for aerospace applications", Tribology International, 110388, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2024.110388

17. AK Praharaj, NV Kambikath, PS Suvin, S Bontha "Improving surface finish of laser additively manufactured curvilinear surfaces via electropolishing and electroless coating" ASME Journal of Tribology, 1-28

16. MS Srinivas, D Kumar, PS Suvin, SV Kailas, SR Pawar, MR Choudhury "Green lubricants in action: a comprehensive performance evaluation of groundnut oil-based cutting fluids in metal machining processes" Physica Scripta 99 (6), 065008, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ad423f

15. AK Praharaj, JK Chaurasia, GR Chandan, S Bontha, PS Suvin "Enhanced tribological performance of laser directed energy deposited Inconel 625 achieved through laser surface remelting" Surface and Coatings Technology 477, 130345, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.130345

14. PS Suvin, A Singh, BDK Patro, V Edachery, SV Kailas, JH Horng "Effect of Laser Surface Modification on Texture, Roughness, Wettability and Surface Energy of Hastelloy C22, C276 & X" Defect and Diffusion Forum 430, 3-16, 2024, https://doi.org/10.4028/p-5JhOP9

13. BDK Patro, PS Suvin, R Kreivaitis, M Gumbytė "Investigating the Wettability, Rheological, and Tribological Properties of Ammonium-Based Protic Ionic Liquids as Neat Lubricants for Steel–Steel and Steel–Aluminium Contacts" Lubricants 11 (11), 469, 2023, https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants11110469

12. A John, J Showket, K Joseph Babu, V Edachery, PS Suvin "Micro-tribological Characteristics of Ti6Al4V Alloy Subjected to Shot Blasting Surface Treatment Process" Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1-9, Feb 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12666-023-02915-3

11. Vimal Edachery, Sindhu Ravi, Aliya Badiuddin,P S Suvin "Wetting behaviour of a Green cutting fluid (GCF); influence of surface roughness and surface energy of AA5052, Ti6Al4V and EN31" Materials Today: Proceedings 62(3),May 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2022.04.835

10. KK Gajrani, PS Suvin, SV Kailas, KP Rajurkar, MR Sankar, "Machining of hard materials using textured tool with minimum quantity nano-green cutting fluid" CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 35, 410-421: 2021 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2021.06.018

9. P S Suvin, Poorva G, J. H Horng, Satish V Kailas, "Evaluation of a comprehensive non-toxic, biodegradable and sustainable cutting fluid developed from coconut oil" December 2020, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineering PartJ: Journal of Engineering Tribology: 235(9); 1842-1850:SAGE Publications DOI: 10.1177/1350650120975518

8. P. S. Suvin , Satish V Kailas, “Development and Testing of a Modular Lathe Tribometer Tool to Evaluate the Lubricity Aspect of Cutting Fluids on Freshly Cut Surfaces” Tribology Online, 2019, 14(5), 417-421.DOI https://doi.org/10.2474/trol.14.417

7. P. S. Suvin , Satish V Kailas, “Study and comparison of lubricity of green and commercial cutting fluid using Tool-Chip Tribometer” Tribology Online, 2018, 13(6), 340-350.DOI 10.2474/trol.13.340

6. K K Gajrani, P. S. Suvin, Satish Vasu Kailas,Mamilla Ravi Sankar, “Hard machining performance of indigenously developed green cutting fluid using flood cooling and minimum quantity cutting fluid” Journal of cleaner production,2019,Vol. 206, 108-123.DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.09.178

5. R.Somashekaraiah, P. S.Suvin, D. P.Gnanadhas, S. V. Kailas,D.Chakravortty, “Eco-Friendly, Non-Toxic Cutting Fluid for Sustainable Manufacturing and Machining Processes”, Tribology Online, 2016, 11, 556-567.DOI 10.2474/trol.11.556

4. K K Gajrani,P. S. Suvin, Satish Vasu Kailas,Mamilla Ravi Sankar, “Machining of hardened AISI H-13 steel using minimum quantity eco-friendly cutting fluid”Int. J. Additive and SubtractiveMaterials Manufacturing, 2017.DOI10.1504/IJASMM.2017.089925

3. M.R. Noor El-Din, Marwa R. Mishrif, Satish V. Kailas, Suvin P.S.,Jagadeesh K. Mannekote, "Studying the lubricity of new eco-friendly cutting oil formulation in metal working fluid", Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2018,DOI 10.1108/ILT-11-2017-0330.

2. K K Gajrani, P. S. Suvin, Satish Vasu Kailash, Mamilla Ravi Sankar, “Thermal, Rheological, Wettability and Hard Machining Performance of MoS2 and CaF2 based Minimum Quantity Hybrid Nano-Green Cutting Fluids” Journal of materials processing technology. 2018DOI 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.10.036

1. Vineeth B P, Jeevan T P, Suvin P S, Jayaram S R“Prediction of Surface Roughness and Coefficient of Friction Using Artificial Neural Network in Tribotesting of Bio-Lubricants”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2019.

International Conferences

15. P S Suvin, Ambesh Singh, VimalEdachery, Satish V Kailas, Jeng Haur Horng"Effect Of Laser Surface Modification On Texture, Roughness, Wettability And Surface Energy Of Hastelloy C22, C276 & X" 2022 International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology-Taiwan, 2022.

14. P S Suvin , Akshay , D Chakravortty ,Satish V Kailas, J H Horng, "Tribological and Microbial growth analysis of Cutting Fluids" International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2020). Taiwan, 2020

13. P. S. Suvin, S. V. Kailas, J H Horng"A Portable -Modular Tool (A Lathe Tribometer) To Evaluate The Lubricity OfA Cutting Fluid" International Tribology Conference (ITC) Sendai 2019, Sendai, September 17-21, 2019

12. P. S. Suvin, S. V. Kailas, “Estimation of lubricity of green and commercial cutting fluids using tool chip tribometer”, 6thWorld tribologycongress, Beijing-China,2017.

11. P. S. Suvin,Akshay Datey,H. N. Shubha, J. K. Mannekote, C. Dipshikhaand S. V. Kailas,“Thechallenge in creating sustainable tribological products –‘Closing the loop’ approach”, 6thWorld tribologycongress, Beijing-China , 2017.

10. P. S. Suvin, H. N. Shubha, J. K. Mannekote and S. V. Kailas, “Closing The Loop and Eco-Friendly Tribology Products”, ITS-IFToMM 2017 and K-TIS 2017,Jeju, Korea. 2017.

9. P. S. Suvin, Siddharth P, Satish V Kailas, “Tribologicalevaluation of metal working fluids” ICIT-2017, Kolkata.

8. Sreerag S, P S Suvin, Satish V Kailas “Environmentalfriendly metal working fluids using vegetable oil as the base” ICIT-2017, Kolkata
7. K. K. Gajrani, Dhanna Ram, Mamilla Ravi Sankar, Uday Shankar Dixit,P. S. Suvin, Satish Vasu Kailash,“Machining of hardened AISI H-13 steel using minimum quantity indigenously developed eco-friendly cutting fluid”,IVthInternational Conference on Production & Industrial Engineering (CPIE), 19−21 December, 2016, NITJalandhar, pp. 179 (1−10).

6. K K Gajrani,P. S. Suvin, Satish Vasu Kailas,Mamilla Ravi Sankar,“Comparative studies on thermal, rheological behaviour of eco-friendly cutting fluids and their machining performance”,6thInternational and 27thAll India Manufacturing Technology Design and Research (AIMTDR) Conference, 16−18 December, 2016, COEP Pune,pp. 674−678, 2016.

5. Anupam Kumar,K K Gajrani,P. S. Suvin, Satish Vasu Kailas, Mamilla Ravi Sankar,“End milling of biodegradable magnesium alloy (AZ 31) with minimum quantityeco-friendly cutting fluids”10th International Conference on Precision, Meso, Micro and Nano Engineering,7−9 December, 2017, IIT Madras, India.

4. Rakesh S., Suvin P. S., Dipshikha Chakravortty and Satish V. Kailas, “Closing the Loop and Eco-Friendly Cutting Oils”, International Tribology Conference2015 Tokyo (ITC 2015)

3. M R Noor El-Din, Marwa R Mishra, Satish V Kailas,Suvin P S, and Jagadeesh K M, “Performance evaluation of new eco-friendly cutting oil formulation in metalworking fluid”, 21stInternational conference on petroleum, mineral resources and development, 20-22 February,2018, EPRI, Cairo,Egypt.

2. Published a paper “micro WEDM performance ', on International Conference, COPEN-8:2013.

1. Published and presented a paper in COPEN-7:2011, an international conference on ‘Precision, MESO, Micro and Nano Engineering’.Published a paper in International Conference, ASME Congress 2012, paper title “Estimation of residual stress and crater morphology by FEM'.

National Conferences

3. P. S. Suvin, S.V. Kailas, Evaluation of green and commercial cutting fluids using tool chip Tribometer, National tribology conference, Varanasi, 2016.

2. P.S. Suvin, Rakesh.S, Satish V. Kailas, “Comparative study of influence of coconut oil based cutting fluid, commercial cutting fluid and dry cutting on cutting force measurements in drilling operation”NTC-National Tribology Conference, Bengaluru, 2014.

1. Vineeth B P, Jeevan T P, Suvin P S, Jayaram S R, “Prediction of Surface Roughness and Coefficient of Friction using Artificial Neural Network in Tribotesting of Bio-Lubricants “Green trends in mechanical engineering sciences, GTMES, 3-5 October, Bengaluru, 2018.

Book Chapters

5. A brief review of titanium (Ti)-based bioimplants fabricated using various additive manufacturing methods 2024-Bioimplants Manufacturing, 183-205-eBook ISBN 9781003509943-CRC Press-AK Praharaj, PS Suvin, S Bontha.

4. Effect of Surface Topography and Roughness on the Wetting Characteristics of an Indigenously Developed Green Cutting Fluid (GCF)-CRC Press-Sustainable Material, Design, and Process -Vimal Edachery, Sindhu Ravi, Aliya F. Badiuddin, Abel Tomy, P. S. Suvin, Satish V. Kailas.

3. Bio-based lubricants and their environmental sustainability,2023, https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/978-0-7503-3435-8ch2, In book Multifunctional Bio-Based Lubricants: Synthesis, properties and applications, Satish Vasu Kailas, Jeng Haur Horng and P S Suvin

2. Sequential Laser and Electrical Discharge Machining,February 2022 , DOI: 10.1201/9781003202301-11, In book: Electric Discharge Hybrid-Machining Processes, P S Suvin and Ranjeet Kumar Sahu

1. Synthesis and Testing of Novel Neem Oil-Based Cutting Fluid with Ionic Liquid Additives , March 2020, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5689-0_27, Shanmuka, Panneer, Satish V Kailas,P S Suvin

Poster Presentation

3. Poorva Gupta, Dheerank K, Aditya S and P S Suvin, “Analysis of BOD and COD-A study on green cutting fluids” ICIT-2017, Kolkata,2017.

2. M R Noor, Marwa, Satish , Suvin and Jagadeesh, “Performance evaluation of new eco-friendly cutting oil formulation in metalworking fluid” International conference on petroleum, mineral resources and development, Egypt, 2018.

1. Jeng Haur Horng , P S Suvin , Debashish Roy , Upendra N and Satish V Kailas, "Aquatic toxicity evaluation of cutting fluids using zebra fish embryos" International Conference on Engineering Tribology and AppliedTechnology, 2019


> Paper award in International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2022), Taiwan 2022
> Distinguished Paper Award in 2nd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing, 2022, IISc. Bangalore
> MAA Communications Medal for best academic performance in the Convocation 2021-IISc. Bangalore
> Merit award in International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2020), Taiwan 2020
> Best Paper award in Tribology online Journal- JAST Japan 2019.
> Best poster award Taiwan tribology conference-2019, Taiwan
> Best poster award International Conference in Industrial Tribology-2017, Kolkata, India
> Presented and bagged First prize in Idea conclave Bengaluru- SFD India October -2017,Bengaluru, India


Contact us

Dr. S M Murigendrappa

Professor and Head,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK),


P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025 Karnataka, India.

  • Phone No. (O): +91-0824-2473049

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